It looks like Google is messing with the page rank algorithm again. I have once again noted that my page rank is changing, and not for the better. I mention this because I have been keeping my efforts constant. What efforts? The social bookmarking, blog entries, web directory entries, and the efforts to make CPC ads as relevant as possible.
Again news and blogs are buzzing to the tune of changes that Google is implementing. There is a rumor that Google will shake up how they deal with backlinks and give less relevance to less relevant backlinks. There are complaints of page ranks changing several times a day at this point. There is a post stating:
“I received a communication last night that discussed a buzz going around that Google is going to shake up how it deals with backlinks. Specifically that Google is going to give less weight to less relevant linkage. This source also heard from another direction that a big change was coming in the next few days. “
I guess for the most part there when creating backlinks we are working in a scope of relevancy so there would be no need to worry about a change such as this, but it is still worrisome.
I guess only time will tell how things will be once all the changes are implemented. If anyone has any input on this, please leave a comment.
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